About Us

Cymorth Cymru is the representative body for providers of homelessness, housing and support services in Wales. We act as the voice of the sector, influencing the development and implementation of policy, legislation and practice that affects our members and the people they support.
We want to be part of a social movement that ends homelessness and creates a Wales where everyone can live safely and independently in their own homes and thrive in their communities. We are committed to working with people who use services, our members and partners to effect change. We believe that together we can have a greater impact on people’s lives.
Our Vision:
A Wales where everyone can live safely and independently in their own homes, realise their aspirations and thrive in their communities.
Our mission:
- Connect, strengthen, influence and inspire service providers, policy makers and partners to:
- Prevent homelessness
- Support people to live safely and independently in their own homes
- Enable people to realise their aspirations and thrive in their communities
You can download our strategic plan here.

Our members
We are extremely proud to represent over 80 organisations that provide homelessness,
housing and support services across Wales. This includes third sector support providers, housing associations and local authority teams.
Our members deliver a wide range of services that support people to overcome tough times, rebuild their confidence and live independently in their own homes. This includes people experiencing or at risk of homelessness; young people and care leavers; older people; people fleeing violence against women, domestic abuse or sexual violence; people living with a learning disability; people experiencing mental health problems; people with substance use issues; and many more.
Find out more about our members by clicking on their logos below.
If you would like to join Cymorth, please contact us.
Our people
Cymorth Cymru is run by a small team of people who are passionate about ending homelessness and committed to doing all we can to ensure that people can live safely and independently in their own homes and thrive in their communities.
Our Board is made up of trustees from our member organisations and independent trustees, all of whom are elected at our Annual General Meeting. The Board is responsible for setting Cymorth’s strategy, managing our resources responsibly, and ensuring we comply with our governing document and the law.
Our Trustees include:
- Sam Austin, Chair (Llamau)
- Mohit Dar, Treasurer (Independent trustee)
- Sian Aldridge (The Wallich)
- Caroline Davies (Hafod)
- Catherine Docherty (Salvation Army)
- Lynne Evans (North Wales Housing)
- Russ Kennedy (Dimensions Cymru)
- Nancy Lidubwi (Bawso)
- Phil Richardson (Platfform)

Katie Dalton, Director
Katie provides strategic leadership for the organisation and a strong national voice on behalf of our members and the people they support, campaigning for improvements in policy, practice and legislation to end homelessness and enable people to live independently and thrive in their communities.

Catrin Elliott Williams, Policy Officer (Housing First and PIE)
Catrin works with our members and other stakeholders to support the continued expansion of Housing First in Wales and the development of Psychologically Informed Environments within homelessness and housing support services in Wales.

Wilf Holyoak, Events and Marketing Officer
Wilf develops and delivers high quality events, which provide a platform for policy discussion and debate, facilitate the sharing of knowledge and best practice, and inspire our members and partners to deliver high quality services.

Alex Osmond, Housing First and Lived Experience Manager
Alex leads our work on Housing First in Wales, working with support providers, local authorities, the Welsh Government and international partners to develop Housing First policy and practice. He also oversees delivery of the Housing First Wales accreditation process.

Jordan Brewer, Policy and External Affairs Manager
Jordan works with the Director, our policy team, members, partners and other stakeholders to develop our policy positions, influence key decision makers, and oversee our policy, research, communications and events functions.

Sal Rees, Finance and Admin Assistant
Sal supports our Finance Manager to provide effective financial and administrative support to the Board and staff team, which enables us to provide high quality services, networks and events to our members.

Sally Thomas, Finance Manager
Sally works with the Director and Board to plan and manage the organisation’s finances. She also ensures compliance with our legal and financial obligations, and oversees the organisation’s day-to-day operational financial and systems management.

Steph Whitehead, Policy and Research Officer
Steph conducts research, drafts consultation responses and helps to develop our policy positions. She also organises our Regional Provider Forums, which play a key role in how we communicate with our members and understand the issues facing them and the people they support.
Contact us
Please contact us using the form below.
Please note: Cymorth Cymru does not provide advice or support, but here are some useful links to organisations that can provide information, advice and support if you are experiencing or at risk of homelessness, or facing other challenges in your life.